Muscade Carrots… Not for the Rabbits

My daughter and I harvested a row of muscade carrots this morning.  They are absolutely crunchy and delicious!  They would have been even sweeter if I hadn’t waited so long to pull them, but they are still worth writing about.  I ordered the seed packet from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.   According to them, the muscade carrots are a North African variety and rare. 

Harvesting carrots. My daughter dresses herself in her favorite outfits every morning. You never know what the day will bring.

The muscade carrots are a large carrot variety. They have a delicious texture.

After we harvested the muscade carrots I realized they are really large carrots.  I figured they would be good juicing carrots.  When we tasted them we decided there’s no way we would juice them.  They’re way too good.  We will enjoy them uncooked and crunchy.  My kids won’t eat carrots when they’re cooked, but they’ll eat them all day long if they’re raw. (Especially when they grew them.)  I was the same way when I was a kid.

Muscade carrots.

We take the tops off the carrots and rinse them with the hose before we bring them inside.

We cut the green, leafy tops off the carrots and feed them to our bunnies.  The leafy tops are toxic to people but very nutritious for the rabbits.  

A few years ago, I put our harvested carrots in the refrigerator without cutting off the leafy tops and I found them all soft and inedible the next day.  I wondered why the carrots from the grocery store lasted so long in the fridge.  I learned that when the green tops are cut off, I can store my carrots in my refrigerator for several weeks.   Click here for a link on storing carrots through the winter.

All the muscade carrots we can carry.

We’re in zone 9b, so we don’t even attempt to grow carrots in the summer here.   Carrots get bitter and bolt in hot weather. (Cold increases their sweetness.)  However, we grow them every year during our fall and winters.  We find them very easy to grow.  Gardens Alive sells an organic heat tolerant variety called Danvers 126.

We plant our carrots about 3-4 weeks apart so we’re not harvesting a million carrots all at the same time.  We find it interesting and fun to grow different varieties.  It’s priceless to pull a carrot fresh from our garden, rinse it in the hose and walk around our yard crunching on it.  Back to nature!

Come grow with us!

4 Responses to “Muscade Carrots… Not for the Rabbits”

  1. Hello there….
    Didn’t know carrot greens were not to be eaten. I grow carrots in my pots, and love the greens. Have been adding them to my salads for so many years now.Love their flavor!

    We should definitely look up more on this!

    I enjoyed looking at your carrots too….. : )

    Love and sunshine!

    • We made a cucumber salad the other day and I had a friend helping me. She used carrot tops instead of dill by accident. The salad was delicious and we had no ill effects at all. I think we’ll consume the carrot tops in moderation though.

  2. Cute! blog!!! send me your email i have another couple of cute grayson shots. 🙂 I need to read up on the butterfly garden posts. and what you’ve planted and how. I have a family wanting to “help” me start a garden. Though i know i have no time to care for one. they will. my email is:

  3. You really should consider checking your facts. Green tops are not toxic.In Fact they are highly nutritive, rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. They contain 6 times the vitamin C of the root and are a great source of potassium and calcium. The tops of the carrots are loaded with potassium which can make them bitter but not toxic.They have been used fresh and dried in soup ,juice , in herb and veggies mixes and lots of other ways for as long as there have been carrots. Point in case … check the fact for your-self on any blog or any other information you read.

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